Getting here

Our postcode is PL35 0AJ. When you get to Boscastle, you’ll need to approach Frogapits from the top of the village (Old Road is one-way so you can’t drive up it from the bottom of the village). As you enter Boscastle from the Camelford road, take the first road down to the right (Fore Street, opposite the Bottreaux Hotel). Follow this down the steep hill – it turns into Old Road about half-way down. Frogapits is down in a dip to the right as you start to approach the bottom of the hill.


You should be able to find somewhere to park in the road outside the cottage (tucked up tight to the cliff wall). If it’s particularly busy (on very rare occasions), you can always unload and park in the main village car park until a space becomes free. It’s very unlikely you’ll need to do this though.

For an overview of the layout of the cottage and the garden, you can get a great idea of it on Google Street View.

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